The event

The GLOBE 40 is a Round the World race, which is accessible to both informed amateurs and professional skippers. It is a Round the World, which combines competitive performance, adventure and travel, a Round the World whose course takes skippers off the beaten track and offers up some unique stopovers, a Round the World on a craft that is accessible both competitively and financially.

The boat

The Class40 is the benchmark monohull for offshore racing with the 60-foot Imoca Vendée Globe.

It is an international support which gives the Globe40 a planetary dimension.

The race

The start of the 2nd edition of the Globe40 will be given in Cadiz in Spain in September 2025.
After sailing more than 30,000 miles and completing 6 legs, the Globe40 will finish in Lorient in April 2026, Europe’s leading centre for ocean racing.

A double race

The Globe40 is a double-handed race with the possibility of changing one of the two skippers at each stage.

2025-2026 legs program

  • Sunday 31th August: start of the prologue
  • Thursday 4th and Friday 5th September 2025: arrival of the competitors from Lorient (Globe40 prologue)
  • Saturday 6th September: inauguration of the village and the start of the entertainment programme
  • Saturday 13th September: presentation of the crews in the village
  • Sunday 14th September: start of the 1st leg to Mindelo in Cape Verde
  • Arrival of competitors estimated around 20th September 2025
  • Thursday 02nd October 2025: start of the 2nd stage to Reunion Island
  • Arrival of the competitors estimated around 1st November 2025
  • Friday 21st November 2025: start of the 3rd stage to Sydney in Australia
  • Arrival of competitors estimated around 15th December 2025
  • Thursday 1st January 2026: start of the 4th stage to Valparaiso, Chile
  • Arrival of competitors estimated around 31st January 2026
  • Wednesday 18th February: start of the 5th stage to Recife, Brazil
  • Estimated arrival of competitors around 15th March 2026
  • Sunday 29th March: start of the 6th stage to Lorient, France
  • Arrival of competitors estimated around 17th April 2026




INTERVIEW INTERVIEW – MERSEA You were one of the first pre-registrants for the 1st edition in 2019, a project that…


INTERVIEW INTERVIEW – SWISS TEAM ROMANDIE Swiss Team Romandie sets its sights on Globe40! Roland Muller, Alwin Arnold and Thierry…


INTERVIEW INTERVIEW – MIRANDA MERRON Miranda, how do you feel about the current Vendée Globe after taking part in the…

INTERVIEW – Nicolas Guibal

INTERVIEW INTERVIEW – NICOLAS GUIBAL After several seasons in a Mini 6.50, you discovered Class40. How did you experience the…